
Effective Jan. 22, 2025, USCIS is waiving any and all requirements that applicants receive the COVID-19 vaccination.

medical requirements for immigration us

Apr 20, 2023

Immigration and Health

Demystifying Medical Requirements for US Immigration: A Comprehensive Guide

The medical examination is an important immigration requirement that can only be completed by the US. Government-authorized medical professionals who are responsible for conducting the exam. In the exam, applicants can expect the following:

  • Review of past medical history
  • Required proof of vaccination
  • Physical evaluation
  • Mental evaluation
  • Substance abuse evaluation

The exam aims to ensure that the applicant has no prior health condition that could make them ineligible and ensures individuals are in a healthy physical, and psychological state to enter the United States. Often, green card applicants develop anxiety about this immigration requirement for the US. But with appropriate preparation and professional guidance, the exam can be seamless and less stressful.

This blog should answer most if not all of your questions about the medical exam requirements for immigration to the US.

What to Expect During the Medical Exam?

A medical exam is a US immigration requirement. It is a routine part of promoting public safety and removing grounds for inadmissibility. The following are the essential components applicants can expect.


Vaccination proofs are required to verify the applicant has taken all the required vaccinations for the medical exam. Immigration requires certain vaccines to assure public health and safety. The following are comprehensive lists of vaccinations required by age-group.


vaccinations for the following conditions are mandatory:

  • Polio
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis
  • Hepatitis A & B
  • Influenza (during Flu season)
  • Covid-19 (1 Janssen or TWO of any other brand)
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella

For ages 18 - 59, vaccinations for the following conditions are mandatory:

  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Influenza (during Flu season)
  • Covid-19 (1 Janssen or TWO of any other brand)
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella

For ages 60 - 64, vaccinations for the following conditions are mandatory:

  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis
  • Influenza (during Flu season)
  • Covid-19 (1 Janssen or TWO of any other brand)
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella

For ages 65 - 66, vaccinations for the following conditions are mandatory:

  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis
  • Influenza (during Flu season)
  • Covid-19 (1 Janssen or TWO of any other brand)
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Pneumonia

For ages 67 and older, vaccinations for the following conditions are mandatory:

  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis
  • Influenza (during Flu season)
  • Covid-19 (1 Janssen or TWO of any other brand)
  • Pneumonia

Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccination is required for ages 12 months and older unless there is a reliable verbal or written report of prior disease.

Additional Polio (IPV) vaccination is required for all applicants from certain high-risk countries and for children with inadequate Polio vaccination documentation. The details are too complex to detail here.

Vaccination requirements for children under the age of 6 years are too complicated to detail here.

Applicants should bring all vaccination records to their appointment. The doctor will review the records and determine what, if any, requirements have already been met.

Also read: Vaccination Requirements for the Immigration Medical Exam

Clinical Record

The government-authorized doctor will ask questions about medical history during the medical exam. The questions will help to inform the following experiences:

  • Admitted to a hospital in the past for any significant ailment
  • Been put in a mental institution for any severe mental condition
  • Being seriously ill

The doctor will also ask questions about any medication used for chronic illness. Failure to notify any information in the category may result in being considered medically disqualified.

Physical Examinations

The physical examination is directed toward screening for diseases and mental health conditions of a public health significance. You will not have to undress for the exam. X-rays are required only for applicants that are tuberculosis (TB) suspected or infected or that have immunodeficiency.

Psychological Examinations

The psychological evaluation assesses intelligence, thoughts, judgment, mood, and behavior. Applicants with current mental disorders that include harmful behavior are inadmissible. Applicants with current or past mental disorders with a history of harmful behavior may still be admissible if the condition is considered to be under control and the harmful behavior unlikely to recur.

Importance of the Medical Exam for US Immigration

The medical examination is designed to safeguard public health and safety. The immigration medical examination report helps USCIS to determine if the potential immigrant meets health-related standards.

Certain medical conditions may make an applicant inadmissible, particularly for failing to meet health-related requirements. Some of the conditions are:

  • History of untreated Hansen’s Disease (leprosy), tuberculosis (TB), Syphilis, or gonorrhea.
  • Failure to show or obtain adequate vaccination proofs.
  • Physical or mental disorder with current harmful behavior or with harmful behavior that is likely to recur.
  • Illegal substance abuse or addiction.
  • Current alcohol abuse or addiction with a history of harmful behavior, such as DUI.

Tips for Preparing for the US Immigration Medical Exams

The following tips will help you with the preparation for the US immigration medical examination.

  • Bring any documents, such as copies of previous X-rays and health insurance documents and medical records, concerning tuberculosis (TB), Syphilis, Hansen’s Disease (leprosy), and gonorrhea disease and treatment.
  • Have an authorized letter from your doctor outlining your specific treatment plan for any of the above health concerns.
  • Bring all vaccination records in your possession to your appointment.

Find the Right Doctor

Applicants applying from within the country can meet medical professionals, doctors, and physicians approved by the administration by searching through the official website of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Get Trusted and Professional Assistance for the Medical Exam

A special medical exam is a necessary immigration requirement for the US to assure public safety. The exam serves as the process of monitoring the overall medical state of individuals arriving from foreign countries. Certain diseases make the applicant fully inadmissible for entering the country. To reach the additional immigration steps beyond the medical exam, you need professional assistance. Steven Wittenberg Gordon provides straightforward, affordable, step-by-step guidance for immigration medical exams for those who want to move to the United States. Steven Wittenberg Gordon allows individuals to navigate the process through the most trusted name in medical examinations. For more information, message or contact us today.

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